
Biography of Madan Bhandari

People's Leader Madan Bhandari was born in Dhungesanghu, Taplejung district, on 2009 Asad 14. He succeeded in becoming a pioneer of new theories based on Marxism, a peak figure in contemporary national and international politics, a supporter of advanced socio-political culture, a democrat, and a humanist politician. On the occasion of the thirteenth day of the Janneta's death, on 2050 BS Jestha 15, the CPN (UML) issued a biography (BS 2050, p. 17) and said, 'He was the party's main theoretician, guide, and most popular leader.' He was also a gifted orator who could present the propounded theories, politics, and contemporary issues in a way that the people could easily understand.

In the 1990s, after the Soviet-model socialism suffered a serious setback in the then Soviet Union and various countries of Eastern Europe, the world communist movement was pushed into a defensive position. To guide the Nepali revolution, the people's leader adopted Marxism in a creative way and propounded a practical theory like the people's multi-party democracy (JABAZ). Such activities forced the famous Times magazine published in America to publish an interview with him under the title 'Karl Marx is alive in Nepal'. Philosopher Afanasyev (1985, p. 288) says, 'Why is a great person great? He understands the objective momentum of the historical process, sees the needs of social development and knows how to fulfill these needs and how to bring about positive changes in social life.' It was because of such advanced ideological capacity in the people's leader that he became special and great.

People's leader Madan Bhandari was the general secretary of the then CPN (ML), when the general secretary was also the head of the party. He was the general secretary of the CPN (UML), which was formed after the party unification between the CPN (ML) and the CPN (Marxist), while Manmohan Adhikari, the first communist prime minister of Nepal, was the chairman of the party. He was also the coordinator of the high-level mechanism formed by the party to conduct the historic joint people's movement of 2046 BS, and became popular among the general public within three years of the successful movement. He was elected from two seats in the general elections held after the people's movement, and the principles propounded by him were unanimously approved by the historic Fifth National Congress of the CPN (UML) held in 2049 BS. This principle is also causing waves in the world communist movement. The international communist movement has also been working to raise interest and curiosity about this principle and assimilate some parties.

The people's leader had expressed 27 points of disagreement with the suggestions submitted by the party to the Constitution Suggestion Commission formed after the 2046 BS movement, presenting the view that the supremacy and ownership of the people should be maintained in the constitution. Since the suggestions given in it were not incorporated, it was concluded that the constitution should be critically supported. There are also many in society who say that if the correct views of the people's leader had been included in the constitution, the country would not have had to face conflict. Moreover, after the demise of the people's leader, the country was trapped in a vortex of murder, violence, instability, chaos, directionlessness and inaction.

Despite the option of finding a way out through peaceful multi-party competition, due to the violent activities imposed by the Maoists due to the impatience of the radical leftists, the country was plunged into violence for 10 years (2052-2062), and as a result, more than 17 thousand Nepali people lost their lives, thousands of citizens were mutilated, people were displaced from their villages, thousands of children became parentless, thousands of women were stripped naked, and billions of physical structures were destroyed. The country is still suffering the negative consequences of this violence. The CPN (UML), which carries the theoretical weapon of the people's multi-party democracy, intensified the theoretical ideological debate to get the Maoists out of the wrong strategy of violence and called on the state and the Maoists to find a political solution to the problem. Finally, the Maoists were forced to lay down their arms and engage in peaceful political competition.

The spirit and spirit of the constitution, which was drafted by the Constituent Assembly after the historic peaceful people's movement of 2062/63 and promulgated in 2072 BS, and many of its provisions reflect the views raised by the people's leader two and a half decades ago. In fact, this is a victory for the masses. All these facts easily confirm that the people's leader, who was posthumously awarded the Nepal Ratna by the Nepalese state in 2073 BS after the establishment of the republic in the country, had an extraordinary talent for understanding the people's desires, being able to correctly analyze the political situation of the country, and creating a theory suitable for the era for radical social change.

Regarding the new direction given by the people's leader to the Nepali leftist movement, Bidya Devi Bhandari (BS 2074, p. 7) says, “The people's multi-party democracy propounded by him has played an important role in the peaceful and democratic transformation of Nepali society. "The changes of 2062/63 and the subsequent constitutional development process have made it clear how far-sighted his beliefs were regarding the republic and the constitution."