About MBF Research Fund

In guidance of the thought of People’s Leader Madan Bhandari that education alone is the basis of bringing about positive change in society, the Foundation has been working since its establishement to ensure access and transformation in Nepal’s education sector. Institutions providing education from Secondary level to several university degrees are run accordingly, where schilarship to a large number of students is availed every year. It is in this progression that the ‘Madan Bhandari Education Fund’ has been instituted for providing scholarship, fellowship and financial grants to the students involved in higher level research particulalry for the dissertations wirtten for the fulfimment of the requrements of their Master’s, M. Phil. and Ph. D. degrees from Nepal’s major universities. Grants are also availed to independent researchers.

Operation of the Fund

A separate committee of the Fundation administers the Fund. The Committee operates under a bylaw that clearly provides for the process of student selection, grant transfer, regulation and audit. The Foundation has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Central Departments of the major universities, which have free and entire responsibility in the selection of merit-based as well as need-based grantees. Foundation or the Fund has no role in student selection. The Fund has primary responsibility of availing timely grants and facilitating students in finding academic resources for their research works as far as possible. Independent research fellows are selected by the Foundation on the merit of applications.